Tag Archives: eatinghabits

The C word.

Carbohydrates, that is.
I love them. 
And I can’t help but consume carbs ALL THE TIME. But usually they’re healthy carbohydrates. And if I didn’t run I’d probably be in big trouble…because carbs consume my diet (well almost).

I realized I haven’t posted much about my diet on my blog. Which is what I’ll begin doing more(: 
But I’ll talk a little bit about my eating habits below. 

First off: I hate using the word “diet” if I’m not on one. It is proper use of the word though because diet really means…The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. (Thanks dictonary.com) Anyway I’m going to stick to “eating habits” so I don’t confuse anyone.

Second: I would like to consider myself a pretty healthy person. I minimize my intake of processed frozen foods or any type of processed food that is filled with sodium or sugar. And I always try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day (Anything that is fresh and has little ingredients!)

Third: I don’t count calories. Because I eat clean and exercise I don’t find it necessary for myself to keep track. I don’t overindulge in food either and  I’ve learned how to portion my unhealthy food.

For lunches at work, I make sure to pack healthy foods and be aware of what I’m putting in to my body. If I plan on eating a 1,000 calorie burger for dinner, I know for lunch I’ll have to eat a little less and keep it fresh&clean! 

And last but not least….I’m not perfect. I rarely go a day without eating chocolate and I hate salad! 

Learning how to eat right is a process. It won’t happen overnight. I’ve had to train myself to cut down on processed food and to put more fresh ingredients in my body. And now instead of craving french fries, I crave avocado’s or carrots!

So if you’re trying to become a healthier eater, don’t stress yourself out. Take baby steps and sometimes force yourself to eat the banana instead of the bag of chips. 
I began this process back in December, and I’m still learning about eating healthy. I never want to stop learning about food! (Because I love it too much!) 

If you’ve just began don’t give up. It will take more than a week to change your eating habits. 

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! Almost Friday! YAY.